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Monday, December 17, 2012

I will not be afraid

This morning my mind is reeling…

I sent the girls to school without a second thought. I feel guilty about that.

There is nothing wrong with me not giving school a second thought. There can’t be.

Children lost their lives on Friday, not just here, but in China as well. Children we slaughtered like cattle, like their tiny lives didn’t matter. When I found out what happened, I cried.

But, unlike so many I know, I am not afraid. I am not scared to send my children to one of the safest places I know of. My children are with God. They are never alone, not for even a moment. I love my kids…all of them, more than words can say. The security at Saint John is amazing. Giant gates and so many parents it isn’t even funny. We live in a state where many carry weapons at all times. All these things make me feel secure. They take the pain and dull it a little.

I can feel God telling me he loves us. I know he will protect us. I also know things happen; life goes on. I pray for the families who are hurting. I pray for the families of the killers, they are innocent and in pain as well. I pray for our world, and I pray for my children.

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