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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Personal Accountability

Personal accountability..

Sometimes I wonder if I have any at all, then I remember I have four children. Of course I have personal accountability, how could I not? I started this month with my date book all set for the month as usual. At the front of the month, in bold letters was "NO EXCUSES."

Ok. Sure. Not. I am half way through this month with nothing to show for it; I am ok with that. I am a mother first. So far this month, my household has has had some bumps. Homeschool is killing me, but it is worth the suffering. Bear loves doesn't totally hate it. She already jumped to the next grade level in math! I am thrilled for her. Boo injured herself a few times in sports. She is a rock star though and she just gets right back up.

The sweet, sweet, baby boy...the past year has drained me. I finally came up for air with a diagnosis of Epilepsy for him. He is happy, and healthy, and I thank God daily for that.

The only child who hasn't made me totally insane is the toddler, my little one. Nani is just so funny and so sweet. A small ball of love.

So lately, I have nothing to show for my time. Not in work, school, or socially, but my family...I have been told they love each other. Strangers can see the faith and love in my children. What more could I ever care about? Strangers can see the pure love in my children. Friends can see the love of God...I was floored by this news. How could I, after all I have been through, raise children who love God so much? Easy, with His help. I don't need to be personally accountable, I need to be accountable to God.

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