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Monday, December 17, 2012

I will not be afraid

December 17, 2012 0 Comments

This morning my mind is reeling…

I sent the girls to school without a second thought. I feel guilty about that.

There is nothing wrong with me not giving school a second thought. There can’t be.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

My ideal stash!

December 08, 2012 0 Comments
I have finally figured out my ideal diaper stash for Audrey.

The research phase is officially completed!

1. Diapers:
  • Graceful Rose gPants and one to three others in the right size and in girly colors. These will be easiest for travel.
  • My 12 Sunbaby diapers I ordered (they are in NY as of last night...I am so eager to have them here already)
  • 12 Kawaii diapers (they have a set for $70)
  • 3 Good night heavy wetters by Kawaii
  • 3 more minky diapers (because they are so cute)
  • 2 Kawaii diaper covers for my prefolds.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Craftiness and Wishlists

December 07, 2012 0 Comments
So, a few months back I decided we should just make gifts for everyone this year. Why? Well, because if we did the regular gift exchange with a $20 (right, because $20 has ever bought anyone anything off their wishlist) limit it would still cost us over $100 (with taxes and shipping) to participate. I spent a ton last year as it was, but it was fun because I my girls had their twin cousins.


This year we are strapped for cash. So what did I do? I raided my sister's pinterest boards in search of crafty inspirations. Then I took to my own boards for gift ideas for the Mother-In-Law, Step-mom, Dad, and of course Mom (who loves a good handmade gift!).

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cloth Diaper Challenge continued...

December 04, 2012 0 Comments
Ugh, I was SO.STINKING.SICK. this week. I ended up at Urgent Care, they transferred me to the ER...they tried to admit me, but I knew they wouldn't figure out a diagnosis so it wasn't worth being away from home again (three years ago this happened also...)

I woke up a few days ago and was vomiting and my heart was racing. No, they couldn't figure out why after four Docs and 3 EKGs. Oh well. Anyway, I am back on my feet and ready to go again. I made some cloth liners from some cutesy giraffe print fleece:

Ok, I suppose I could have rotated them, but you get the idea

I use these over Audrey's prefolds when I have those in the little gPants to keep the moisture off her skin.

I also decided I needed a better system for storing dirty dipes. I already own a Diaper Genie, so I figured, why not? Well, first I did learn that no or poor circulation will lead to mildew and there is no removing that, so I knew I needed air.

I popped that baby open and looked around. That stupid little thing that closes the bag is not air tight, the bag is. So I put a new bag in...opened it all the way around and made it fully open...then, I popped the spring under the closer grabby thing under the lid. Now the bag is in there and the closure is permanently open for air. I just toss the old diapers in there. Tada!

Ok, well this isn't ideal for me, but it works for the moment. I would like to get a nice pail liner and a small trash can or a diaper champ and use that. I will keep using the genie as long as I need to though :)

I really wish I had more updates, but the holidays are kicking my rear.

More on us tomorrow hopefully...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cloth Diaper Challenge: Day 4 Laundry (ok, I did it yesterday)

November 01, 2012 2 Comments
So yesterday morning I decided realized I needed to wash the diaper liners.  Badly.  I was down to three.  THREE.  That isn't a lot in the world of pooping four month old babies.  So I got them, rinsed them in cold water (in my isn't 1965 and I refuse to do them by hand).  Then I realized...umm...I only have Costco soap (which I hate, by the way...more on that later).

To the Internets!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cloth Diaper Challenge: Day 3 the pictures

October 31, 2012 0 Comments
So, I three just began.  I think the GDiapers are wonderful, I love them and they are crazy easy to use, if you ask me.  However, I have seen a lot of reviews and such that state that they are not so simple and are just a bit confusing to other moms.

Now, that being said, I know a lot of cloth diapering mommies who hate these dipes, but they use other types and each person will have her own view of what is easier to use.  I am referring to people who are new to cloth diapering and are starting out with Gs.

I took some photos to help you visualize this a little better.

This is the collection (well the items not on the line's laundy day).

The liners fit right into the pouches.  You might have to maneuver them a bit to get them in there snugly, but they will fit.

I usually maintain two ready to go just in case Audrey poos.  When she does I always change the pouch.

 In all I have a total of two covers, three pouches and 15 liners so far.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cloth Diaper Challenge: Day 2

October 30, 2012 0 Comments
Oh boy...well things went so very well today.  That it, until I learned that I needed at least 10 to 15 more inserts as well as more pockets.  I also took a closer look at the diapers Audrey was wearing and learned that they were a size too large!  Now it is like starting.all.over and I may blow a gasket over the whole thing!

I went straight to panic mode when I realized all the things I need/want.  Those that know me can attest to my want vs. need as being non-existent.  The things I want are the things I need, of course my husband really doesn't see it that way.  He claims we don't need a wet bag or special detergent (although, both really are essential items to cloth diapering).  He also says I don't need all those super cute diapers I am drooling over.  Here is where we part ways.  I do need those diapers.  I must have them.

Anyway...I digress...

I suddenly find myself at a freak out moment due to the initial buy in cost of cloth diapering:

  • 2 Packs of Gs (these are essential as the hubby will NOT deal with pocket dipes on road trips to Cali...I will NOT miss Thanksgiving with my family) $26.99 each ($54 assuming BRU or BBB will not allow coupons...I have heard they will on the GPants) Luckily this will give me four more pockets for changes
  • 1 pack (6) of Gs pockets for poopy messes $20 (same couponing deal though)
  • 1 pack (6) of prefolds by Cocalo $20
  • Wet bag from Kawaii $13
  • 12 diapers from Kawaii $70 (free shipping over $80...YAY!)
  • 1 or 2 minky dipes from Kawaii (all the diapers come with 2 inserts so I would have a total of 28) $8-$16
  • Wipes ~ I can make these for around $3 total

Monday, October 29, 2012

Cloth Diaper Challenge: Day 1

October 29, 2012 0 Comments
So today marks the first ever day of cloth diapering for our family.  The boy isn't all too thrilled, but hey, if it saves money and some space in a land fill, why not, right?

We are beginning our journey with Gdiapers.  They are SO cute!  Just ridiculous cute!  Before choosing to start with these I did my research and learned there was a plethora of choices out there in regards to style.

You have:
Flats ~ SO not happening in my house
Prefolds ~ Inexpensive, but bulky and you still need diaper covers...not digging these so much
All-in-ones ~ We are getting there, but these aren't always waterproofed all the way, plus you can't increase absorbancy for heavy wetters.
All-in-twos (hybrid systems) ~ Here you have a LOT of parts, but they are kinda cool...with the all in two you can change the pad and reuse (unless poo gets on them) the waterproof liners.  Gdiapers fall here, I like them because I only change the liner when she poos (breastfed poo can be messy...but isn't stinky, so it is ok).  These often have a disposable option as well, which is another reason I liked the G's (they are 100% biodegradable and can be flushed). 
Pocket Style ~ I like these, a lot. You have the diaper and a pocket for the inserts (you can even use the tri-folds here, yay) giving you the ability to increase absorbancy as needed.  These also dry a whole lot faster than the all-in-one types.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Cloth diapering?

October 19, 2012 0 Comments
I want to cloth diaper.  Seriously.  It has become so important to me that it is now officially an obsession.  I am actually concerned that if I don't do it, I might lose my mind completely.

Frank doesn't love the idea, sure...ok, ok, ok, he hates the idea.  But, it isn't stopping me from bothering him night and day.  He actually threatened to leave me.  Of course he wouldn't, but still...he hates the idea that much

Just imagine, super cute diapers that match Audrey's outfits, and as an added bonus I would have no need to buy diapers every month.  Now, before you go all "eww, that's gross" on me, I have done my research and the options that are out there aren't all bad and gross.  Gdiapers have liners and snaps and so many ways to keep people clean that I am more likely to get poop on my with disposables.  And since I just went their, who has had one of those nasty poopy blow outs that makes you seriously consider cutting your baby's onsie off because she will for sure get poop in her hair if you don't?  Yeah, I thought so.  Well, those who use cloth don't deal with those blow outs!  Really.

So are you sold yet?  Ok, so it certainly isn't for everyone, but I need to try it to satisfy my own curiosity.