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Monday, October 29, 2012

Cloth Diaper Challenge: Day 1

So today marks the first ever day of cloth diapering for our family.  The boy isn't all too thrilled, but hey, if it saves money and some space in a land fill, why not, right?

We are beginning our journey with Gdiapers.  They are SO cute!  Just ridiculous cute!  Before choosing to start with these I did my research and learned there was a plethora of choices out there in regards to style.

You have:
Flats ~ SO not happening in my house
Prefolds ~ Inexpensive, but bulky and you still need diaper covers...not digging these so much
All-in-ones ~ We are getting there, but these aren't always waterproofed all the way, plus you can't increase absorbancy for heavy wetters.
All-in-twos (hybrid systems) ~ Here you have a LOT of parts, but they are kinda cool...with the all in two you can change the pad and reuse (unless poo gets on them) the waterproof liners.  Gdiapers fall here, I like them because I only change the liner when she poos (breastfed poo can be messy...but isn't stinky, so it is ok).  These often have a disposable option as well, which is another reason I liked the G's (they are 100% biodegradable and can be flushed). 
Pocket Style ~ I like these, a lot. You have the diaper and a pocket for the inserts (you can even use the tri-folds here, yay) giving you the ability to increase absorbancy as needed.  These also dry a whole lot faster than the all-in-one types.

How I made my choice (note: we will all prefer one brand over another and yours might differ from mine):

I looked and looked and decided to begin with Gdiapers (mostly because they are readily available and I know someone who had a ton of them to sell to me on the cheap!).  We are traveling for Thanksgiving, so something with a disposable option was the best choice for us to start.  I will say, I knew I would also want a stash of pocket diapers as well.

A lovely lady in my MOPs group (yes, I go to MOPs) used Gs and she had two shells and a boat load of inserts, plus a pack of the disposables as well...she even had an extra liner!  Holy cow!  So I bought them from her and thus began my collection there.  I wouldn't mind trying a Grovia, but I don't care for the fact that the disposables can just move about within the cover.  I also like the ability to use trifold diapers in the Gdiapers as well...they would soak up a little better if you ask me.  Two G covers is fine for now, but I do plan to buy two more, plus an extra pack (6) of the waterproof liners.

As far as picking my choices for the pocket diapers I did a fair amount of reading and comparing both prices and reviews.  There are ways to get these cheap, but I am not doing those because I have no desire to buy the brands that are crazy cheap OR wait for a co-op for the ones I do want.  Therefore, I have chosen Kawaiis.  They get great reviews and are not totally over priced.  You can get 12 of them with soakers for $70...not too shabby.  I plan to buy this package of solid colors plus a few extras just for the free shipping at $80.  I might just do a wet bag (you will be needing one of these as well).  I plan to pick up one or two of the Bumgenius diapers as well just to try them, but they are pricey, so we shall see.  In all I am trying to get my numbers up to about 30 diapers total just so I know I can go a day or two between washes.

Come on back tomorrow to see what I have to say about my first full day going on my second!

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