We all have that moment where we look at our kids and say "ugh, really, Spanish?" I mean come on, we homeschool. We have the freedom to do anything. I was so in love when one daughter wanted to do 4-H photography and another decided to do cooking and cake decorating. Sweet! Interesting electives!
Entrepreneurship - Teach your children to make their own money on their own terms! This is great for the self motivated child! BONUS: Did you know, Origami Owl has a youth program? Yeah, the Owlette Program for young girls. Uh, yeah...I think this is great!!!
Photography - This is a life skill people. You need to know how to take more than a selfie at some point. Kids love to play with expensive technology, well, this piece of equipment can get them outside!
Culinary Arts - And I do NOT mean home econ...I am talking real cooking classes. Bear wants to cook, but she can already grill a steak, make homemade mac and cheese, and bake a cheesecake. SO, what should I have done? Well, for one, we use a whole lot of Netflix. She actually gets credit for watching cooking programs! She then recreates what was made, or makes something similar. She has made perfect Eggs Benedict, Gelato, Crepes, and some very delectable cupcake combos!
Creative Writing - If you have a writer on your hands, why not give her the opportunity to use that skill? Creative writing, short stories, poetry, whatever it is...just double your English time and allow your child to explore her skill set with that time. There are a ton of curriculum choices, or just wing it!
Voting 101 - It is election year after all. This is the perfect time to teach older students the ins and outs of the voting process. We can change the course of the country by empowering our children to form educated opinions and follow the vote this year!
Archery - I don't think I need to tell you why this is the coolest elective ever...do I? I mean, sharp arrows, targets, shooting things? I dare you to find a kid that say "eew, no way!"

Here are some great elective ideas other than languages, pottery, and art:
Entrepreneurship - Teach your children to make their own money on their own terms! This is great for the self motivated child! BONUS: Did you know, Origami Owl has a youth program? Yeah, the Owlette Program for young girls. Uh, yeah...I think this is great!!!
Photography - This is a life skill people. You need to know how to take more than a selfie at some point. Kids love to play with expensive technology, well, this piece of equipment can get them outside!
Culinary Arts - And I do NOT mean home econ...I am talking real cooking classes. Bear wants to cook, but she can already grill a steak, make homemade mac and cheese, and bake a cheesecake. SO, what should I have done? Well, for one, we use a whole lot of Netflix. She actually gets credit for watching cooking programs! She then recreates what was made, or makes something similar. She has made perfect Eggs Benedict, Gelato, Crepes, and some very delectable cupcake combos!
Creative Writing - If you have a writer on your hands, why not give her the opportunity to use that skill? Creative writing, short stories, poetry, whatever it is...just double your English time and allow your child to explore her skill set with that time. There are a ton of curriculum choices, or just wing it!
Voting 101 - It is election year after all. This is the perfect time to teach older students the ins and outs of the voting process. We can change the course of the country by empowering our children to form educated opinions and follow the vote this year!
Archery - I don't think I need to tell you why this is the coolest elective ever...do I? I mean, sharp arrows, targets, shooting things? I dare you to find a kid that say "eew, no way!"