I have seen a few very well known companies that claim their oils are so good, no carrier oil is needed. Excuse me while I insert a massive eye-roll here. I hope these companies are joking. Anyone who is not well versed in oils needs to use a carrier until they know what oils are safe with their own skin. And, my personal choice is to always be safe with my own children and use a carrier.
See...here is the issue I have with the fact that oils have become so very commonplace. People are not really being educated on how to use them safely. I have been using oils since 2003...they came to me as a relief for postpartum depression. I went to an aromatherapist and learned. I read, I went to classes taught by those who had actually attended a school, I didn't read a blog, I didn't think all the books I read were right, I learned...for years, I studied.
Did you know that there is a whole list of oils that are discouraged from being used in massage at all?
Did you know that children and elderly people are more likely to have a bad reaction to oils?
Did you know some oils cause photosensitivity?
Did you know ingesting oils is NOT recommended without the instruction of a HHP?
Did you know some oils cause seizures?
Here is my favorite: One well known company has a blend that is used all over the house...this blend is almost TOXIC to those with epilepsy. Almost every single oil in it is extremely dangerous to anyone with seizures. And it is recommended to keep you healthy! And you instructed to just put it right on you skin. WRONG.
Please know, I love essential oils, I use them, and I will not stop. But, I do so safely. I do so without risking the health of others.
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