Let's talk Daisies today...These would be most closely associated with Lion Scouts (a pilot program for Kindergartners) and Tiger Scouts.
Daisies begin with earning their Daisy, the center and ten petals.
How can I possibly link this to Boy Scouting? Simple. Cub Scouts, and the patches they must earn in order to move forward.
Daisy Center
The Bobcat Badge is the first award given to the Cub Scouts. It must be earned before any other badges will be awarded. It requires the Boy Scout laws and such to be learned, as does the center of the daisy.
Daisy Petals:
Lupe Petal
Honest & Fair
Sunny Petal
Friendly & Helpful
Zinni Petal
Considerate & Caring
Tula Petal
Courageous & Strong
Mari Petal
Responsible for What I Say and Do
Gloria Petal
Respect Myself & Others
Gerri Petal
Respect Authority
Clover Petal
Use Resources Wisely
Rosie Petal
Make the World a Better Place
Vi Petal
Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout
Daisy Journeys:
It's your world - Change it
The Watering Can Award represents girls being ''responsible for what I say
and do.'' Girls earn the award by caring for their mini-garden and beginning to
understand how the Promise and Law play out in their daily lives.
The Golden Honey Bee Award represents taking action through a
gardening effort for others to make the world a better place
The Amazing Daisy Award represents knowing—and living—the Promise
and Law
It's your planet - Love it
The Blue Bucket Award Girls tell one another about their feelings and the feelings of those around them. Girls take part in role-playing activities that encourage them to resolve conflicts,
negotiate, and be considerate to others.
The Firefly Award
Think about and talk about their own skills and those of their sister Daisies. Choose a skill that they can teach others, either at home or in their community.
The Clover Award Learn about and commit to protecting a natural treasure in their region. Educate and inspire others in their community to join with them to protect the local treasure, too.
It's your story - Tell it
Birdbath Award - Daisies learn to care for animals and for themselves
Red Robin Award - Daisies use their new knowledge and creativity to
teach others how to care for animals
Tula Award - Daisies gain courage and confidence in teaching others about
animal care.
Additional Daisy Badges
Good Neighbor
Outdoor Buddy Camper
Outdoor Art Maker
Safety Award
My Promise My Faith
Cookie Sales
Financial Leaf for Cookies Awards
Safety Award
My Promise My Faith
Cookie Sales
Financial Leaf for Cookies Awards
BSA Tiger Awards:
My Tiger Jungle
Equivalent to the Outdoor Buddy Camper Badge from GSUSA
Games Tigers Play
Equivalent to the Lupe Petal from GSUSA
Duty to God
Available via Girl Scouts (not required to advance)
Team Tiger
Equivalent to the Blue Bucket Award and the Sunny Petal
Tiger Bites
Equivalent to Birdbath Award along with several council's own patches are available (this is covered as girls get older as well)
Tigers in the Wild
Equivalent to Outdoor Buddy Camper, Outdoor Art Maker, Watering Can Award, Golden Honey Bee Award, and the Red Robin Award cover this badge, and a lot more...
**The one thing BSA has that I encourage GSUSA as well as AHG to look into is a section on protecting children from abuse...they actually teach the children how to protect themselves**
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