Mind. Blown.
She is 12...well, this month she will be 12.
It was at that moment that I realized what a wonderful life God has given me recently. I have three amazing daughters and the son I wanted so badly. All four of my children are relatively healthy, not counting the Epilepsy issue. They are all very intelligent children, and very well adjusted. I am lucky enough to be able to work from home while I attend school, all while I homeschool Boo and Bear. From the depths of my heart, I am grateful. I love my life as it is now, and I have God to thank for that.
I recently decided to read 33 Days to Morning Glory as a way to get myself closer to Mary. I love my Holy Mother, and I want to be a mother like she was. A mother who can put the needs of God before her own selfish desires {I am terrible at that}. I want to be a mother who teaches her children to love God above all else. I want to be a mother God can be proud of.
Honestly, I wasn't expecting much, and I have had some troubles with the retreat and have had to force myself to look at consecrating myself to Mary as a new adventure. There are basic ideas I naturally do not like in here, and it took a lot of prayer to see that I was looking at this retreat all wrong. My prayers have been made stronger by this, and I now fear asking God or anyone for help a lot less thanks to this book.
I have dedicated these next few weeks to giving more to God and more respect to Mary than I have in the past. I will offer more prayers to Mary for her to choose how they are disbursed and who will benefit from them. How have you rededicated yourself to God lately?
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